Debunk Myths -
Triple 6 Truths

It's Evil!
It's the Sign of Satan!
It incites fear in the hearts and minds of many!

But there is nothing to fear!

Even though Revelation 13:18 states
Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast; for it is the number of man; and his number is Six Hundred Threescore and Six.

Science tells us that Carbon-12, which is made up of
6 Protons and 6 Neutrons in the nucleus surrounded by 6 electrons,
is the second most abundant element in the human body after Oxygen.
Carbon-12 is also one of the five elements that make up human DNA.

Numerologically speaking, 666 adds up to the number 18, which breaks down to 9; given that 9 is known to be the number of man.

So, as humans we all have the Mark of the Beast, and there is nothing to fear.

Other facts about 666:
It's the sum of the first 36 whole numbers (1, 2, 3, 4 . . . on up to 36=666

The numbers on a roulette wheel total 666

If you add up the first six Roman numerals, IVXLCD, the total is 666

The architects of Chatres Cathedral may have known about the earlier significance of this number, since the labyrinth there measures exactly 666 feet long

In China, the number when spoken aloud, sounds like "Things going smoothly". This has made it one of the luckiest numbers in Chinese culture and so it is used on banners and good luck cards

666 Truth
Truth Perfected
Resistance 2010


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